
Class charges:
(Please note these refer to normal classes when running)
An introductory meeting/lesson is free.
£8 per class. Classes run for approximately 1 hour.
Following a minimum 8 lesson induction period, should the option to join be made, accepting students are required to pay an initial membership fee of £30 which includes a Cymru Wing Chun Kuen training T shirt.
Members must also purchase personal student insurance in order to train fully at their own cost.
Please note that non attendance for a 6 week period without prior discussion and arrangement with Sifu Moore will lead to invalidation of membership and insurance. Should you then request to return the 8 session introductory period would begin again and incur a new membership fee of £30.
Private lesson charges:
Private lessons are on a one to one basis by arrangement and are charged at £12 per hour.
Private lessons for 2 students may be accepted by arrangement and are charged at £10 per hour per student.